The Facts About Canker Sores

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Do you ever think about what you could do to deal with canker sores? Are you ever concerned about what might be causing these painful sores? Conversely, have you ever wondered if there could be something you should do to make canker sores more comfortable?

Unfortunately, canker sores tend to be pretty common. However, these sores are not contagious and are not caused by a virus. In fact, canker sores are essentially wounds that form inside your mouth. To make matters worse, canker sores can be found virtually anywhere in your oral cavity, including on your cheeks and tongue.

Unfortunately, if you are suffering from a canker sore, there may not be anything you can do to help your sore fade faster. Fortunately, canker sores tend to fade fairly quickly. Still, while you’re waiting, you may want to consider using over-the-counter topical gels and other store-bought painkillers. If these options don’t help, our team may be able to suggest a few other options—including stronger medication or even a mouthwash that can help with your discomfort.

You should also be aware that there are a number of things you can do to avoid getting canker sores. Usually, brushing and flossing will help you avoid these wounds. If you are suffering from a canker sore and have a fever at the same time, please contact your doctor as soon as possible. Lastly, please set up an appointment with our team if you have a sore that doesn’t fade after three weeks.

To hear more about how to cope with a canker sore in Kirkland, Washington, please give Mark Andrews, D.D.S. a call at 425-821-8100. Our dentist, Dr. Mark Andrews, and our entire team will be happy to address any concerns you may have. We look forward to hearing from you.