Bad Teeth Brushing Habits

We all know how important it is to brush teeth twice every day, once in the morning and once in the evening. However, many people are not aware of the bad teeth brushing habits that they may be guilty of. Dr. Mark Andrews and our team have put together this list of bad brushing habits to break for a healthier... read more »

What to Expect When Getting a Root Canal

The intended outcome of a root canal is to repair a seriously infected tooth as opposed to complete removal. Treatment is done by removing the infected pulp of the tooth, disinfecting it, and then filling it full of a rubber-like material and sealing it up. Normally, the villain of a root canal is a bacterial infection that has invaded a... read more »

Restoring a Smile with Dental Implants

What are dental implants? For a patient who is missing one or more permanent teeth, Dr. Mark Andrews may recommend dental implants in Kirkland, Washington. A dental implant is a restoration that replaces both the missing tooth and its root. A dental implant is made up of a titanium post, which fuses with the jawbone, and a dental restoration, like... read more »